Part I - Broken legs
Pavel and I met near Balota Air Field. Nothing spectacular over there. We just met an other survivor there when we were going to leave it. Just short wishes of luck and we moved our and he moved his way. We moved North to Kozlovka and there I was shot down by a bandit just when I wanted to climb up a watch tower. Fortunately Pavel was able to kill this bitch. I respawned Kamarovo and just ran to Balota, quick-checked it and then moved to my place of death. But when I tried to take a look from up an other watch tower, I fell down and broke my leg, immediately after I reached the top. Well...after some navigation problems Pavel found me and gave me morphine. I was able to get my stuff back, but in the rush of action Pavel had hidden the body of the bandit, so no possibility to loot him...
We moved to Zelenogorsk:
There we visited the supermarket/shop were some dead bodies were laying in, even one dead hero. We looted everything of worth. And then a guy rushed in, with a blue face. He recognized us just in the very last second before I was going to shoot him, because he was just moving in so fast and getting very close to us. But after a shout over direct channel the situation was cleared we continued looting. Then the player the dead hero body belongs to entered the supermarket, hunted by zombies and bleeding already. We lost visual on him and left the supermarket and moved in the town. In a house Pavel was hit by zombies and broke his leg. Unfortunately we had no more morphine and TONS OF ZOMBIES rushed in the house
. It was a massacre and I ran almost out of ammo. When the situation was cleared and more relaxed again, I moved back to the supermarket and found the hero we met before dead on the ground. Fortunately he had one morphine in his backpack (your fucking big luck, Pavel
Pavel was up again very fast...and 5 mins later broke his leg again - DAFUQ!!!
We asked for help and well...the guy with the blue face we met before in the supermarket helped us. He gave Pavel morphine, we gave him a blood transfusion and some food and we moved our ways.
We visited the Green Mountain and Stary Sabor. At Stary, we checked the military camp and logged out.
Part II - Stary, NWAF, Devil's Castle and Black Mountain
After reconnecting in the afternoon we wanted to move back the military tents to check them for new loot, but were under sniper fire very fast. We met an other survivor while we were waiting on the nearby hill covered by trees and scanning the area for the sniper...after some mins the other survivor left for a chopper crash side and we moved to the tents and looted them without bandit contact. After that we checked the crash side as well and I got my hands on a DMR again
We continued to the NWAF and met a friend of the blue face guy driving around in a pickup or whatever it was, while we were checking an other crash side.
At the NWAF there was nothing of big worth - For Fucking's sake! -.- ...but well, you can't have luck all the time
We advanced and visited Devil's Castle and Black Mountain without anything of worth again...but that's never know where the good stuff is and where the bandits are waiting for you. We logged out at Black Mountain.
Part III - Team up, stupid/nervous survivor, NEAF and zombie massacre
Arska joined us and we visited Krasnotav:
Well... we were forced to kill a survivor. We entered the supermarket in the town, but there was one guy already inside, but he didn't recognized us, although we were talking in Direct, due to we saw someone moving in...well Pavel entered from main entrance, while Arska and I entered through the back doors. We spotted the and talked to him in Direct.
But for some reason he wasn't responding at first moment and then he aimed with a CROSSBOW at Pavel and I just said, that he shouldn't engage, because we are 3 and he is just one (we with 2 automatic rifles and a Winchester, he with a crossbow). I just finished this sentence, when he started firing at Pavel. He missed him twice while we first engaged with words, then Pavel started firing at him and Arska and me as well...result was an overkill. The funny thing is, that Pavel is too kind: he just shot the legs of that bitch. I just saw he was shooting him and teh guy fired at Pavel, so I just fired some bullets with my AKM (nice 7.62
) at his chest till he collapsed.
Note: "When someone forces you to strike, strike hard and strike to kill!"
We looted his body (nice stuff on him xD) and moved to the NEAF. But with the airfields was something wrong, because AGAIN nothing of worth over there...
So we decided to move to Berezino. By checking the apartments over there we got in some zombie trouble...result was, that Pavel fired 4 mags of his fucking loud STANAG weapon, I ran out of ammo and was striking with my PDW. We also checked the hospital there and gave each other blood transfusion.
Moreover Pavel broke his legs AGAIN LOL and was almost overrun. We saved him and made our way down to Solnichniy where we logged out.
Part IV - Starting with broken legs, hacker killed, looooong run, meeting and looting (and getting killed)
Pavel and I continued our way to the South and moved first to Tulga and then to Rog - an other castle, where I broke my legs
, got heeled and we had some BBQ
We continued to Elektor to hunt some bandits...they hunted us.
I was killed buy a hacker AS50 bitch - YES, IT WAS A HACKER!
Pavel killed an other bandit on the hill close Elektro. I moved to an empty server, because I spawned at Kamenka, so FUCKING FAR AWAY from my body o.O
As I was just 500 far from that hill, Pavel was killed by bandits, while he was waiting for me and getting scared, because of a lot of fired shots and a very nasty voice in the side chat giving strange noises...IT'S VERY BAD WHEN NO ADMIN IS AROUND -.- ...hackers and bitches get too much space to do crappy things and fuck up the server...
Result was, that I quickly grabbed my stuff and just in time left my body, because AS50 fired again at me...I logged out a few mins later, while Pavel was going to continue hunting bandits.
...well...he failed
That hacker bitch killed him, although he was covered by a house.
Let's see, where we meet again and how fast we die