Post by bravonovember on Apr 1, 2013 13:30:48 GMT
Hey Team,
I realise most of you all know this already but figured i'd put this up anyways as a refresher.
A - Alpha
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India
J - Juliet
K - Kilo
L - Lima
M - Mike
N - November
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform
V - Victor
W - Whisky
X - X-ray
Y - Yankee
Z - Zulu
2: NUMERALS (As spoken over radio)
3: General Terms:
AMS - Army Medical Services
2IC -Second In Command
AFV - Armoured Fighting Vehicle
AMF - Allied Mobile Force
AP - Armoured Piercing or Ammunition Point
APC - Armoured Personnel Carrier
Armd - Armoured
ARV - Armoured Recovery Vehicle
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ATGW - Army Tank Guided Weapon
Att - Attached
AWOL - Absent Without Leave
AWACS - Airborne Warning And Control Systems
CAD - Central Ammunition Depot
Cam - Camouflaged
Cas - Casualty
Casevac - Casualty Evacuation
CCP - Casualty Collecting Point
Coord - Co-ordinate
CV - Combat Vehicles
CVD - Central Vehicle Depot
Def - Defence
Det - Detached
DF - Defensive Fire
Dml - Demolition
EDP - Emergency Defence Plan
Emb - Embarkation
EMP - Electro Magnetic Pulse
En - Enemy
EOD - Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Eqpt - Equipment
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
FAC - Forward Air Controller
FEBA- Forward Edge Battle Area
FLET- Forward Location Enemy Troops
FLOT- Forward Location Own Troops
Fmm - Formation
FOB - Forward Operating Base
FOO- Forward Observation Officer
FRT- Forward Repair Team
FUP - Forming Up Point (or Position)
Gat - A Gun Usually A Rifle
GDP- General Defence Plan
HE - High Explosive
HEAT - High Explosive Anti Tank
Hel - Helicopter
HLS – Helicopter Landing Site
HVM - Hyper Velocity Missile
IED – Improvised Explosive Device
II - Image Intensifier
LRATGW - Long Range Anti Tank Guided Weapon
LSDI - Large Scale Deliberate Intervention
LSW - Light Support Weapon
LUP - Lying Up Point
LZ Landing Zone
MBT - Main Battle Tank
Mech - Mechanised
Med - Medical
MFC - Mortar Fire Controller
MT – Military Transport
Msl - Missile
POL - Petrol Oil and Lubricants
Recce - Reconnaissance
Regt - Regiment
Rft - Reinforcement
RHIP - Rank Has Its Privileges
RTM - Ready To Move
RTU - Returned or Return to Unit
SOPs – Standard Operating Procedures
SP - Self Propelled or Start Point
TAB - Tactical Advance to Battle
Tac - Tactical
TCP - Traffic Control Point
TCV - Troop Carrying Vehicle
Tgt - Target
Tk - Tank
TOT - Time On Target
Tp - Troop
Tpt - Transport
Two i/c - Second In Command
VP - Voice Procedure
VP – Vulnerable Point
4: Local Slang and vernacular.
Some ones I know of to kick things off:
Medic: Tampax tiffy
NAAFI: No ambition and fuck-all interest
Roof: Inexperienced soldier (noob)
Blou job (blowjob): Mechanic/ Crew, due to their blue overalls.
Egyptian PT: Having a nap during the daytime.
Got anything funny/important/relevant to share? Words, slang, vernacular, etc? Please contribute to this thread.
Kind Regards.
Bravo November
I realise most of you all know this already but figured i'd put this up anyways as a refresher.
A - Alpha
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India
J - Juliet
K - Kilo
L - Lima
M - Mike
N - November
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform
V - Victor
W - Whisky
X - X-ray
Y - Yankee
Z - Zulu
2: NUMERALS (As spoken over radio)
0 - (zee - ro) | 5 - (five) |
1 - (wun) | 6 - (six) |
2 - (too) | 7 - (sev - en) |
3 - (tree) | 8 - (ait) |
4 - (fow - er) | 9 - (ni - ner) |
3: General Terms:
AMS - Army Medical Services
2IC -Second In Command
AFV - Armoured Fighting Vehicle
AMF - Allied Mobile Force
AP - Armoured Piercing or Ammunition Point
APC - Armoured Personnel Carrier
Armd - Armoured
ARV - Armoured Recovery Vehicle
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ATGW - Army Tank Guided Weapon
Att - Attached
AWOL - Absent Without Leave
AWACS - Airborne Warning And Control Systems
CAD - Central Ammunition Depot
Cam - Camouflaged
Cas - Casualty
Casevac - Casualty Evacuation
CCP - Casualty Collecting Point
Coord - Co-ordinate
CV - Combat Vehicles
CVD - Central Vehicle Depot
Def - Defence
Det - Detached
DF - Defensive Fire
Dml - Demolition
EDP - Emergency Defence Plan
Emb - Embarkation
EMP - Electro Magnetic Pulse
En - Enemy
EOD - Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Eqpt - Equipment
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
FAC - Forward Air Controller
FEBA- Forward Edge Battle Area
FLET- Forward Location Enemy Troops
FLOT- Forward Location Own Troops
Fmm - Formation
FOB - Forward Operating Base
FOO- Forward Observation Officer
FRT- Forward Repair Team
FUP - Forming Up Point (or Position)
Gat - A Gun Usually A Rifle
GDP- General Defence Plan
HE - High Explosive
HEAT - High Explosive Anti Tank
Hel - Helicopter
HLS – Helicopter Landing Site
HVM - Hyper Velocity Missile
IED – Improvised Explosive Device
II - Image Intensifier
LRATGW - Long Range Anti Tank Guided Weapon
LSDI - Large Scale Deliberate Intervention
LSW - Light Support Weapon
LUP - Lying Up Point
LZ Landing Zone
MBT - Main Battle Tank
Mech - Mechanised
Med - Medical
MFC - Mortar Fire Controller
MT – Military Transport
Msl - Missile
POL - Petrol Oil and Lubricants
Recce - Reconnaissance
Regt - Regiment
Rft - Reinforcement
RHIP - Rank Has Its Privileges
RTM - Ready To Move
RTU - Returned or Return to Unit
SOPs – Standard Operating Procedures
SP - Self Propelled or Start Point
TAB - Tactical Advance to Battle
Tac - Tactical
TCP - Traffic Control Point
TCV - Troop Carrying Vehicle
Tgt - Target
Tk - Tank
TOT - Time On Target
Tp - Troop
Tpt - Transport
Two i/c - Second In Command
VP - Voice Procedure
VP – Vulnerable Point
4: Local Slang and vernacular.
Some ones I know of to kick things off:
Medic: Tampax tiffy
NAAFI: No ambition and fuck-all interest
Roof: Inexperienced soldier (noob)
Blou job (blowjob): Mechanic/ Crew, due to their blue overalls.
Egyptian PT: Having a nap during the daytime.
Got anything funny/important/relevant to share? Words, slang, vernacular, etc? Please contribute to this thread.
Kind Regards.
Bravo November